Profos 48 EC

Profos 48 EC

Emulsifiable Concentrate

A non-systemic insecticide with contact, stomach & respiratory action, used to control a wide range of insects.

Composition: Each liter Contains: Chlorpyrifos 480 gm


Profos 48 EC: Non-systemic insecticides with broad spectrum efficiency against scale insects, sucking insects & termite insects.


Crops Pests Application Rate/ 20 Liter Water Safety Period
Potato Leaf Hoppers, Potato Tuber Moth 30 – 40 ml 14 Days
Apple, Pears Aphids, Spider mite, Fruit Worm, Leaf Piercing Insect 20 – 25 ml 14 Days
Olive Aphids, Spider mite, Fruit Worm

20 – 25 ml

14 Days
Citrus Red Scale Insect, Mealy Bug, Black Scale Insect, Citrus Flower Cut, White Fly, Thrips 20 – 25 ml 10 Days

Caution: Used only on above mentioned crops and follow the recommended safety period before harvest.

Re-Entry Period: 48 hours after the last application.

Compatibility: Compatible with most pesticides with the same formulations except alkaline compounds.

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